Welcome back everyone, I am glad to have you join me again! Throughout last week in ISM, from 1/10/2022 - 1/14/2022, I was able to get a great deal of work done. I spent the majority of my time working on a display board for an ISM showcase night! I really enjoyed this project as it gave me a chance to do something creative and not photography-based. This really challenged my creative skills and I enjoyed putting together my display. In addition to this, I have been able to speak with a local photographer and connect with other professionals, which may become extremely helpful for the future of my time in ISM. Overall, I had a wonderful last week and I am excited for what is to come.
As I look forward to this upcoming week, I feel very prepared to take on anything that comes my way. I have already planned to conduct an informational interview this week and I am excited to just keep working on my display board. I don't see this week becoming too challenging, and with my motivation, I know that I will be able to complete all of my work. I can't wait to tell you everything that happens, but that will have to wait until next time!