Welcome back! After last week, from 10/04/2021 - 10/07/2021, I can proudly say that I had quite an exciting week! Last Thursday, the ISM program held its annual Business Symposium, in which ISM students, from all around FISD, came together and experienced this wonderful event. As students, we were able to converse and hear advice from professionals in a variety of fields, and we also received the chance to network amongst one another! These types of experiences cannot be found just anywhere, so I am immensely grateful that the ISM program provided such an opportunity for its students. To top it all off, the ISM students got to dress super snazzy at the Business Symposium, which I thought was a wonderful aspect of the day!
As I come into this new week, the first quarter of the school year is finally coming to a close, and ISM will continue to shift its focus to newer and bigger things! This upcoming week is a time to mentally prepare for the obstacles and challenges that lay ahead of us, and is also the chance for us to start dreaming big for the possibilities that we can attain. I hope that I am able to complete all of my necessary work and prepare my mind for what is next, but I cannot wait to tell you all what happens next! Until then!