Following the 10/05/2020 - 10/09/2020 school week, I have been able to accomplish many of the goals I had set for myself previously. The interviews I held with the professionals last week had gone spectacularly, and was an insightful experience that I will hold dear to my heart as I progress throughout this program and my career. I was also able to complete my assessments and presentation for ISM on time, and I am proud that I was able to push over the workload I had. In addition, I began planning and organizing a short film project that I have decided to do with some friends, as a way for me to practice and grow my skills. I am excited for how the film will turn out and all of the knowledge that I will gain from this experience.
Continuing off of that, I am excited for the week ahead of me, especially as we begin to finish out our first grading period of the year. I will also be taking the PSAT which I pray that I do well on, and that I receive a score that is satisfactory to me. I also hope that I can continue to finish the work I have in ISM and my other classes, so that I am able to have strong grades by the end of this 9 weeks. As I cross this final stretch, I must focus on the tasks at hand and overcome any conflicts that come my way!