Hey everyone! Welcome back to the blog! Following my last school week, from 11/01/2021 - 11/05/2021, I had a bit of a clunky week. With many things coming up for the ISM program and with my many responsibilities, both in and out of school, I had quite a hard time last week. I was feeling moments of despair and times where I was overwhelmed with my work, which ultimately led me to fall behind on some of my tasks and forced me to rush others. I am not very satisfied with last week, so I am determined to turn that around now. I am scared of what's to come, but I know that I am capable, so I must continue to reaffirm that in myself so I can succeed.
As I go into this new week, I hope that I can find some rest and time to catch up on what I've fallen behind on. The ISM program will be presenting our Research presentations, so it will be quite an eventful and insightful week. I cannot wait to learn from my fellow ISM students and to also show them my plans for the future. I cannot wait to tell you all how it goes, but please wish me the best of luck for this week. Until next time!